In a dystopic world, long after most of the living creatures have gone, the ones who are left would have evolved into another form of species. Hierarchies will be altered, including way of life. The bulls will have their way with the humans. They will be pitted against each other in an arena, only this time the humans would be the ones charging at the cape. This is done to honor the gods in order to appease them and return the humanity that once were as what we have done long before great civilisations.
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Uncensored version:
Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum? Less than 5% of the artists in the Modern Art sections are women, but 85% of the nudes are female.
Music and lyrics are powerful tools and can be instigating factors to real-life violence. Black Metal had always been associated with church burnings, Satanism, murders, national socialism, misanthropy, and countless suicides say for a classic example the death of Mayhem's vocalist Pelle Ohlin (aka Dead). It also inspires many artists to create beauty out of chaos, or how things with grave or less meanings can be reanimated into something else, like zombies--they're stripped of vitality, yet somehow they get life back into them.